Results for 'Yuliana Andrea Marín Londoño'

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  1.  33
    Configuración de subjetividades a partir de la visibilización del dolor.Gloria Inés Correa Aristizábal, Ángela María Cadavid Marín, Maryluz Aponte Sarmiento & Yuliana Andrea Marín Londoño - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (6):52-63.
    El presente artículo, permite evidenciar la configuración de subjetividades de algunos adolescentes a partir de la visibilización del dolor, en tanto son portadores de una historia que los ha afectado, ya que han sido protagonistas directos de situaciones de violencia en escenarios que reclaman justicia social, tanto para sus familias como para la comunidad donde se movilizan. Palabras clave: aislamiento, cohesión familiar, desarraigo, dolor y subjetividad.
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  2. Antonio Ungar: razonador sensible de la experiencia contemporánea.Paula Andrea Marín Colorado - 2011 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 19:11-22.
    Antonio Ungar (Bogota, 1974) has published two novels: Zanahorias voladoras (Alfaguara, 2004) and Las orejas del lobo (Ediciones B, 2006). This paper aims to analyze the two literary works, based on the relationship between abjection and revolt (Kristeva 2006 (1980), 1998 (1996)) presented in the novels. This relationship will make it possible to understand, to a great extent, the author’s esthetic proposal, as well as his position in the current Colombian literary field and his answer to the social conditions of (...)
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  3. Tinkering with Technology: How Experiential Engineering Ethics Pedagogy Can Accommodate Neurodivergent Students and Expose Ableist Assumptions.Janna B. Van Grunsven, Trijsje Franssen, Andrea Gammon & Lavinia Marin - 2024 - In E. Hildt, K. Laas, C. Miller & E. Brey, Building Inclusive Ethical Cultures in STEM. Springer Verlag. pp. 289-311.
    The guiding premise of this chapter is that we, as teachers in higher education, must consider how the content and form of our teaching can foster inclusivity through a responsiveness to neurodiverse learning styles. A narrow pedagogical focus on lectures, textual engagement, and essay-writing threatens to exclude neurodivergent students whose ways of learning and making sense of the world may not be best supported through these traditional forms of pedagogy. As we discuss in this chapter, we, as engineering ethics educators, (...)
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  4. Tinkering with Technology: An exercise in inclusive experimental engineering ethics.Janna B. Van Grunsven, Trijsje Franssen, Andrea Gammon & Lavinia Marin - 2024 - In E. Hildt, K. Laas, C. Miller & E. Brey, Building Inclusive Ethical Cultures in STEM. Springer Verlag. pp. 289-311.
    The guiding premise of this chapter is that we, as teachers in higher education, must consider how the content and form of our teaching can foster inclusivity through a responsiveness to neurodiverse learning styles. A narrow pedagogical focus on lectures, textual engagement, and essay-writing threatens to exclude neurodivergent students whose ways of learning and making sense of the world may not be best supported through these traditional forms of pedagogy. As we discuss in this chapter, we, as engineering ethics educators, (...)
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    The Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole: How Good a Case Is It?: A Challenge for Astrophysics & Philosophy of Science.Andreas Eckart, Andreas Hüttemann, Claus Kiefer, Silke Britzen, Michal Zajaček, Claus Lämmerzahl, Manfred Stöckler, Monica Valencia-S., Vladimir Karas & Macarena García-Marín - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (5):553-624.
    The compact and, with \ M\, very massive object located at the center of the Milky Way is currently the very best candidate for a supermassive black hole in our immediate vicinity. The strongest evidence for this is provided by measurements of stellar orbits, variable X-ray emission, and strongly variable polarized near-infrared emission from the location of the radio source Sagittarius A* in the middle of the central stellar cluster. Simultaneous near-infrared and X-ray observations of SgrA* have revealed insights into (...)
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  6. Learning to Reframe Problems Through Moral Sensitivity and Critical Thinking in Environmental Ethics for Engineers.Andrea R. Gammon & Lavinia Marin - 2022 - Teaching Ethics 22 (1):97-116.
    As attention to the pervasiveness and severity of environmental challenges grows, technical universities are responding to the need to include environmental topics in engineering curricula and to equip engineering students, without training in ethics, to understand and respond to the complex social and normative demands of these issues. But as compared to other areas of engineering ethics education, environmental ethics has received very little attention. This article aims to address this lack and raises the question: How should we teach environmental (...)
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  7. La utopía de la nación ilustrada en la novela El mudo: Secretos de Bogotá, por un bogotano (1848) de Eladio Vergara y Vergara.Paula Andrea Marín Colorado - 2013 - Anclajes 17 (1):39 - 54.
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    4E cognition, moral imagination, and engineering ethics education: shaping affordances for diverse embodied perspectives.Janna van Grunsven, Lavinia Marin, Andrea Gammon & Trijsje Franssen - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
    While 4E approaches to cognition are increasingly introduced in educational contexts, little has been said about how 4E commitments can inform pedagogy aimed at fostering ethical competencies. Here, we evaluate a 4E-inspired ethics exercise that we developed at a technical university to enliven the moral imagination of engineering students. Our students participated in an interactive tinkering workshop, during which they materially redesigned a healthcare artifact. The aim of the workshop was twofold. Firstly, we wanted students to experience how material choices (...)
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    Classification of Drivers' Workload Using Physiological Signals in Conditional Automation.Quentin Meteier, Marine Capallera, Simon Ruffieux, Leonardo Angelini, Omar Abou Khaled, Elena Mugellini, Marino Widmer & Andreas Sonderegger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The use of automation in cars is increasing. In future vehicles, drivers will no longer be in charge of the main driving task and may be allowed to perform a secondary task. However, they might be requested to regain control of the car if a hazardous situation occurs. Performing a secondary task might increase drivers' mental workload and consequently decrease the takeover performance if the workload level exceeds a certain threshold. Knowledge about the driver's mental state might hence be useful (...)
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    Attention as Practice: Buddhist Ethics Responses to Persuasive Technologies.Gunter Bombaerts, Joel Anderson, Matthew Dennis, Alessio Gerola, Lily Frank, Tom Hannes, Jeroen Hopster, Lavinia Marin & Andreas Spahn - 2023 - Global Philosophy 33 (2):1-16.
    The “attention economy” refers to the tech industry’s business model that treats human attention as a commodifiable resource. The libertarian critique of this model, dominant within tech and philosophical communities, claims that the persuasive technologies of the attention economy infringe on the individual user’s autonomy and therefore the proposed solutions focus on safeguarding personal freedom through expanding individual control. While this push back is important, current societal debates on the ethics of persuasive technologies are informed by a particular understanding of (...)
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  11. Review of Marine Picon, Normes et objets du savoir dans les premiers essais leibnitiens. [REVIEW]Andreas Blank - 2020 - Studia Leibnitiana 52 (1-2):268-269.
  12.  40
    Horizontal gene acquisitions by eukaryotes as drivers of adaptive evolution.Gerald Schönknecht, Andreas Pm Weber & Martin J. Lercher - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (1):9-20.
    In contrast to vertical gene transfer from parent to offspring, horizontal (or lateral) gene transfer moves genetic information between different species. Bacteria and archaea often adapt through horizontal gene transfer. Recent analyses indicate that eukaryotic genomes, too, have acquired numerous genes via horizontal transfer from prokaryotes and other lineages. Based on this we raise the hypothesis that horizontally acquired genes may have contributed more to adaptive evolution of eukaryotes than previously assumed. Current candidate sets of horizontally acquired eukaryotic genes may (...)
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  13.  31
    Strategischer Wettbewerb im Weltraum: Politik, Recht, Sicherheit und Wirtschaft im All.Antje Nötzold, Enrico Fels, Andrea Rotter & Moritz Brake (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Der Sammelband nimmt erstmalig seit Ende des Kalten Krieges für den deutschsprachigen Raum eine komprimierte Bestandsaufnahme der aktuellen Aktivitäten, rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, politischen und militärischen Konfliktlinien und Kooperationsräume sowie weiterführender Trends und Herausforderungen im Weltraum vor. Dabei werden zum einen die rechtlichen, militärischen, wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Herausforderungen des Bedeutungszuwachses dieses strategisch gewichtigen Raumes analysiert. Zum anderen werden Handlungsfähigkeit und -bedarf ausgewählter Weltraummächte, ihre Kooperationsmöglichkeiten und Konfliktpotenziale sowie der internationale politische Regulierungsbedarf herausgearbeitet und darauf aufbauend politische Handlungsempfehlungen dargelegt.,,Eine hervorragend gelungene Bestandsaufnahme der (...)
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    4.'H θάλασσα ϰoινή: Fishermen, the Sea, and the Limits of Ancient Greek Regulatory Reach'H θάλασσα ϰoινή: Fishermen, the Sea, and the Limits of Ancient Greek Regulatory Reach (pp. 1-55). [REVIEW]E. Lytle, John W. Wonder, Jonathan L. Ready & Andrea Rotstein - 2012 - Classical Antiquity 31 (1):1-55.
    Although it is frequently asserted that Greek poleis routinely laid legal claim to marine fisheries or even territorial waters, making them subject to special taxes and regulation, these assertions have little or no foundation in the evidence. For Greek fishermen the sea was freely and openly accessible, a fact that reflects the limited regulatory reach of ancient poleis. This evidence for the legal status of the sea and its fisheries is mirrored by our evidence for the status of marine fishermen, (...)
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    Spinoza on Reason, Passions, and the Supreme Good.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Andrea Sangiacomo offers a new understanding of Spinoza's moral philosophy, how his views significantly evolved over time, and how he himself struggled during his career to develop a theory that could speak to human beings as they actually are--imperfect, passionate, and often not very rational.
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    Aristotle and the Science of Nature: Unity Without Uniformity.Andrea Falcon - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Andrea Falcon's work is guided by the exegetical ideal of recreating the mind of Aristotle and his distinctive conception of the theoretical enterprise. In this concise exploration of the significance of the celestial world for Aristotle's science of nature, Falcon investigates the source of discontinuity between celestial and sublunary natures and argues that the conviction that the natural world exhibits unity without uniformity is the ultimate reason for Aristotle's claim that the heavens are made of a special body, unique (...)
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  17.  41
    Questioning Scientific Publications: Understanding how Indonesian Scholars Perceive the Obligation to Publish and its Ethical Practices.Yuliana Hanami, Idhamsyah Eka Putra, Muhammad Aldan Relintra & Syauqiyyah Syahlaa - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (4):625-647.
    Considerable demand for academic research and publications is not a new subject of discussion in the academic field. In Indonesia, there is increasing challenge and pressure to conduct scientific publications, making it a very competitive field for academics, particularly for lecturers and postgraduate students. The present study examines Indonesian scholars’ perceptions of academic publishing as a demand from institutions and the government, as well as their understanding of academic misconduct. We conducted a survey with open-ended questions to 55 scholars. The (...)
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  18.  17
    Science as a way of knowing: the foundations of modern biology.John Alexander Moore - 1993 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Introduction A Brief Conceptual Framework for Biology PART ONE: UNDERSTANDING NATURE 1. The Antecedents of Scientific Thought Animism, Totemism, and Shamanism The Paleolithic View Mesopotamia Egypt 2. Aristotle and the Greek View of Nature The Science of Animal Biology The Parts of Animals The Classification of Animals The Aristotelian System Basic Questions 3. Those Rational Greeks? Theophrastus and the Science of Botany The Roman Pliny Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine Erasistratus Galen of Pergamum The Greek Miracle 4. The Judeo-Christian Worldview (...)
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  19.  15
    Discontinuity in Learning: Dewey, Herbart and Education as transformation.Andrea R. English - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this groundbreaking book, Andrea R. English challenges common assumptions by arguing that discontinuous experiences, such as uncertainty and struggle, are essential to the learning process. To make this argument, Dr. English draws from the works of two seminal thinkers in philosophy of education - nineteenth-century German philosopher J. F. Herbart and American Pragmatist John Dewey. English's analysis considers Herbart's influence on Dewey, inverting the accepted interpretation of Dewey's thought as a dramatic break from modern European understandings of education.
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    Dewey on Familiarity in Education, Aesthetics, and Art.Andrea Fiore - 2024 - Educational Theory 73 (6):822-832.
    In this paper, Andrea Fiore sketches the notion of familiarity in Dewey's thought, particularly in its relations with education, aesthetics, and art. The importance of that notion emerges in Dewey's well-known writings such as How We Think, The School and Society, and Art as Experience, where he shows that not only does familiarity play a fundamental role in our lives, but it also constitutes a helpful tool to make our experience deeper and richer. This is particularly evident in two (...)
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  21. Dehumanization in Literature and the Figure of the Perpetrator.Andrea Timar - 2020 - In Maria Kronfeldner, Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization. London, New York: Routledge.
    Chapter 14. Andrea Timár engages with literary representations of the experience of perpetrators of dehumanization. Her chapter focuses on perpetrators of dehumanization who do not violate laws of their society (i.e., they are not criminals) but exemplify what Simona Forti, inspired by Hannah Arendt, calls “the normality of evil.” Through the parallel examples of Dezső Kosztolányi’s Anna Édes (1926) and Doris Lessing’s The Grass is Singing (1950), Timár first explores a possible clash between criminals and perpetrators of dehumanization, showing (...)
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  22.  23
    Hannah Arendt: la desobediencia civil como expresión de la libertad política en tiempos de oscuridad.Yuliana Leal Granobles - 2023 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (2):193-219.
    El objetivo de este ensayo es analizar las reflexiones arendtianas sobre la desobediencia civil. Según Arendt, la desobediencia civil no se puede confundir con la objeción de consciencia. En el contexto específico de la República Americana, es una acción política colectiva que es compatible con el espíritu de las leyes constitucionales, dado que los ciudadanos pueden hacer valer su libertad de disentimiento frente a medidas injustas tomadas por el gobierno de turno. De esta manera, para Arendt, la desobediencia civil promueve (...)
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  23.  16
    Influence of COVID-19 pandemic on higher education in Ukraine: Crisis or renewal?Yuliana Lavrysh - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (12):1153-1155.
  24.  10
    Teaching during the wartime: Experience from Ukraine.Yuliana Lavrysh, Iryna Lytovchenko, Valentyna Lukianenko & Tetiana Golub - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-8.
  25. Pengaruh sikap terhadap pindah kerja,Norma subjektif, perceived behavioral control terhadap intensi pindah kerja pada pekerja teknologi informasi.Yuliana - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 6 (11).
    The development of information technology (IT) caused a positive result on company productivities. A company tend to employ more experienced information technology workers using attractive compensation. Thus, causing a high level of turnover in IT workforce. This high level of turnover is a disadvantage for the company, because the company loses their skilled workers and have to find other workers to discharge the position. This research attempt to understand turnover behavior using the theory of planned behavior from attitude toward behavior, (...)
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  26.  28
    Vital Forces, Teleology and Organization: Philosophy of Nature and the Rise of Biology in Germany.Andrea Gambarotto - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a comprehensive account of vitalism and the Romantic philosophy of nature. The author explores the rise of biology as a unified science in Germany by reconstructing the history of the notion of “vital force,” starting from the mid-eighteenth through the early nineteenth century. Further, he argues that Romantic Naturphilosophie played a crucial role in the rise of biology in Germany, especially thanks to its treatment of teleology. In fact, both post-Kantian philosophers and naturalists were guided by teleological (...)
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  27.  86
    Teleology and the organism: Kant's controversial legacy for contemporary biology.Andrea Gambarotto & Auguste Nahas - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 93 (C):47-56.
  28. In AI We Trust Incrementally: a Multi-layer Model of Trust to Analyze Human-Artificial Intelligence Interactions.Andrea Ferrario, Michele Loi & Eleonora Viganò - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (3):523-539.
    Real engines of the artificial intelligence revolution, machine learning models, and algorithms are embedded nowadays in many services and products around us. As a society, we argue it is now necessary to transition into a phronetic paradigm focused on the ethical dilemmas stemming from the conception and application of AIs to define actionable recommendations as well as normative solutions. However, both academic research and society-driven initiatives are still quite far from clearly defining a solid program of study and intervention. In (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Yet another victim of Kripkenstein’s monster: dispositions, meaning, and privilege.Andrea Guardo - 2022 - Ergo 8 (55):857-882.
    In metasemantics, semantic dispositionalism is the view that what makes it the case that, given the value of the relevant parameters, a certain linguistic expression refers to what it does are the speakers’ dispositions. In the literature, there is something like a consensus that the fate of dispositionalism hinges on the status of three arguments, first put forward by Saul Kripke ‒ or at least usually ascribed to him. This paper discusses a different, and strangely neglected, anti-dispositionalist argument, which develops (...)
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  30.  99
    Solidarity in the European Union.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2):213-241.
    Political theorists aiming to articulate normative standards for the EU have almost entirely focused on whether or not the EU suffers from a ‘democratic deficit'. Almost nothing has been written, by contrast, on one of the central values underpinning European integration since at least the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), namely solidarity. What kinds of principles, policies, and ideals should an affirmation of solidarity commit us to? Put another way: what norms of socioeconomic justice ought to apply to the (...)
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  31. The Routledge Handbook of Emotion Theory.Andrea Scarantino (ed.) - 2023 - Routledge.
    Research on the emotions is proliferating in philosophy and the hard cognitive sciences and has cognate, areas of interest in sociology, anthropology, and other disciplines. The Routledge Handbook of Emotion Theory brings together advances on foundational issues from this widespread field, synthesizing work for a broad readership of advanced students and researchers. Focusing on the groundwork of theoretical research, the volume is a required resource for anyone working in emotions research. The Handbook includes 51 chapters--written exclusively for this volume by (...)
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  32. A dilemma for dispositional answers to Kripkenstein’s challenge.Andrea Guardo - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (1):135-152.
    Kripkenstein’s challenge is usually described as being essentially about the use of a word in new kinds of cases ‒ the old kinds of cases being commonly considered as non-problematic. I show that this way of conceiving the challenge is neither true to Kripke’s intentions nor philosophically defensible: the Kripkean skeptic can question my answering “125” to the question “What is 68 plus 57?” even if that problem is one I have already encountered and answered. I then argue that once (...)
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  33.  37
    Numbers and Narratives — or : When Russell meets Zhu Shijie to discuss Philosophy of Mathematics.Andrea Bréard - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (3):365-384.
    Andrea Bréard Même si aucune source métadiscursive sur les mathématiques elles-mêmes n’a été transmise de la Chine ancienne et prémoderne, des réflexions ont été menées sur les objets mathématiques et sur la boîte à outils des praticiens. Cet article montre comment elles sont insérées dans les traités mêmes en prenant en particulier l’exemple d’un domaine de la théorie des nombres qui a évolué en Chine du premier à la fin du xixe siècle. Ces réflexions sont dispersées entre textes, paratextes (...)
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  34. Fictional Contexts.Andrea Bonomi - 2008 - In Paolo Bouquet, Luciano Serafini & Richmond H. Thomason, Perspectives on Contexts. Center for the Study of Language and Inf. pp. 213–48.
    is accounted for, among other things, in terms of particular relations between events (or states1) and places or times. Roughly speaking, an event α is said to occur in a place p (or interval t) if the spatial (temporal) extension of α is located in p (or t). Let the predicate ‘Occ’ denote such a relation. From this point of view, part of the content of the above sentences can be associated, respectively, with formulas such as.
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  35.  26
    Brill's Companion to the Philosophy of BiologyCessione Diritti Volume Filosofia Della Biologia: Entities, Processes, Implications.Andrea Borghini & Elena Casetta - 2019 - Leiden: BRILL. Edited by Elena Casetta.
    This translated volume by Andrea Borghini and Elena Casetta (original title: _Filosofia della biologia_) introduces a wide spectrum of key philosophical problems related to life sciences in a clear framework and an accessible style, with a special emphasis on metaphysical questions.
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    Brill's companion to the philosophy of biology: entities, processes, implications.Andrea Borghini - 2019 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Elena Casetta.
    In this volume, Andrea Borghini and Elena Casetta introduce a wide spectrum of key philosophical problems related to life sciences in a neat framework and an accessible style, with a special emphasis on metaphysical issues. The volume is divided into three parts. The first addresses the two main questions stemming from life sciences: what is life, and what is the correct understanding of the theory of evolution? The second part looks at metaphysical questions concerning biological entities: environments, species, organisms, (...)
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  37.  15
    How can conceptual content be social and normative, and, at the same time, be objective?Andrea Clausen - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    In this book, Andrea Clausen intends to reconcile Kripke's point according to which conceptual content has to be considered as being constituted by social, normative practice - by a process of mutual assessments - with the view that the content of empirical assertions has to be conceived as objective. She criticizes approaches that explicate content-constitutive practice in non-normative terms, namely in terms of sanctioning behavior (Haugeland, Pettit, Esfeld). She also rejects a pragmatist reading of Heidegger that proceeds from thoroughly (...)
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  38. Peter Sloterdijk e le catastrofi timotiche: Interventi di Enrico Donaggio e Dimitri D’Andrea.Enrico Donaggio & Dimitri D’Andrea - 2008 - la Società Degli Individui 33:175-182.
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    Insight and Vision Essays in Philosophy in Honor of Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff.Konstantin Kolenda & Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff - 1965 - Principia Press of Trinity University.
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    Trespassing Through Shadows: Memory, Photography, and the Holocaust.Andrea Liss - 1998 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Art historian Andrea Liss examines the inherent difficulties and productive possibilities of using photographs to bear witness, initiating a critical dialogue about the ways the post-Auschwitz generation has employed these documents to ...
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  41. Grande Antologia Filosofica Diretta da Umberto Antonio Padovani, Coordinata da Andrea Mario Moschetti.Umberto Antonio Padovani, Andrea Mario Moschetti, Michele Federico Sciacca & Michele Schiavone - 1966 - C. Marzorati.
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  42. Rule-following, ideal conditions, and finkish dispositions.Andrea Guardo - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 157 (2):195-209.
    This paper employs some outcomes (for the most part due to David Lewis) of the contemporary debate on the metaphysics of dispositions to evaluate those dispositional analyses of meaning that make use of the concept of a disposition in ideal conditions. The first section of the paper explains why one may find appealing the notion of an ideal-condition dispositional analysis of meaning and argues that Saul Kripke’s well-known argument against such analyses is wanting. The second section focuses on Lewis’ work (...)
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  43.  74
    Examining Carceral Medicine through Critical Phenomenology.Andrea J. Pitts - 2018 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 11 (2):14-35.
    The general aim of this paper is to provide insight into the relevance of critical phenomenology for the study of the patient-provider relationship in health care systems in U.S. jails, prisons, and detention facilities. In particular, I utilize tools from the work of scholars studying phenomenological approaches to health care and structural forms of oppression to analyze several harms that arise from the provision of medical care under the punitive constraints of carceral facilities.
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    Toward Greater Integration: Fellows Perspectives on Cognitive Science.Andrea Bender - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (1):6-13.
    Topics in Cognitive Science, Volume 14, Issue 1, Page 6-13, January 2022.
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  45. The Irrelevance of Coercion, Imposition, and Framing to Distributive Justice.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2012 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 40 (2):79-110.
  46. Kripke's account of the rule‐following considerations.Andrea Guardo - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):366-388.
    This paper argues that most of the alleged straight solutions to the sceptical paradox which Kripke ascribed to Wittgenstein can be regarded as the first horn of a dilemma whose second horn is the paradox itself. The dilemma is proved to be a by‐product of a foundationalist assumption on the notion of justification, as applied to linguistic behaviour. It is maintained that the assumption is unnecessary and that the dilemma is therefore spurious. To this end, an alternative conception of the (...)
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    Changing Structures in Midstream: Learning Along the Statistical Garden Path.Andrea L. Gebhart, Richard N. Aslin & Elissa L. Newport - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (6):1087-1116.
    Previous studies of auditory statistical learning have typically presented learners with sequential structural information that is uniformly distributed across the entire exposure corpus. Here we present learners with nonuniform distributions of structural information by altering the organization of trisyllabic nonsense words at midstream. When this structural change was unmarked by low‐level acoustic cues, or even when cued by a pitch change, only the first of the two structures was learned. However, both structures were learned when there was an explicit cue (...)
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  48. Semantic dispositionalism and non-inferential knowledge.Andrea Guardo - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (3):749-759.
    The paper discusses Saul Kripke's Normativity Argument against semantic dispositionalism: it criticizes the orthodox interpretation of the argument, defends an alternative reading and argues that, contrary to what Kripke himself seems to have been thinking, the real point of the Normativity Argument is not that meaning is normative. According to the orthodox interpretation, the argument can be summarized as follows: (1) it is constitutive of the concept of meaning that its instances imply an ought, but (2) it is not constitutive (...)
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  49. Against Compassion: Post-traumatic Stories in Arendt, Benjamin, Melville, and Coleridge.Andrea Timár - 2023 - Arendt Studies 6:223-246.
    The paper suggests that Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s arguments against sympathy after the French Revolution, Walter Benjamin’s claims against empathy following the traumatic shock of Modernity and the First World War, and Hannah Arendt’s critical take on compassion. after the Holocaust are similar responses to singular historical crises. Reconsidering Arendt’s On Revolution (1963) and its evocation of Hermann Melville’s novella Billy Budd (1891), I show first that the novella bears the traces of an essay by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Appeal to (...)
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  50. Gloria E. Anzaldúa's Autohistoria‐teoría as an Epistemology of Self‐Knowledge/Ignorance.Andrea J. Pitts - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (2):352-369.
    In this article, I examine the relationship between self-knowledge practices among women of color and structural patterns of ignorance by offering an analysis of Gloria E. Anzaldúa's discussions of self-writing. I propose that by writing about her own experiences in a manner that hails others to critically interrogate their own identities, Anzaldúa develops important theoretical resources for understanding self-knowledge, self-ignorance, and practices of knowing others. In particular, I claim that in her later writings, Anzaldúa offers a rich epistemological account of (...)
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